Countries - Towns
Players: Wealth - Army strength - Underground strength - Fame worldwide
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Hall of Fame - Round history

Page 5
NrCountryPointsTownsPopulationIncome+ TradeAggressivityCrimerate
81 Armenia18913,237,000366,185 €1,517 €lowmedium
82 Hungary192110,071,000455,036 €868 €very lowmedium
83 Belarus19419,615,000448,075 €931 €very lowlow
84 Israel19427,325,000729,937 €2,020 €mediumhigh
85 Honduras19817,761,000338,805 €817 €highhigh
86 Nepal200126,942,000313,471 €1,038 €highhigh
87 Mongolia20012,644,000263,220 €1,320 €mediumlow
88 Kyrgyzstan20015,285,000276,425 €1,161 €mediummedium
89 Nicaragua20215,353,000276,765 €1,195 €mediummedium
90 Romania202121,503,000460,751 €1,082 €lowmedium
91 Jordan20515,913,000329,565 €865 €mediummedium
92 Georgia20514,658,000323,290 €1,110 €lowmedium
93 Lebanon20514,602,000423,010 €1,527 €mediumhigh
94 Republic of the Congo20613,702,000318,510 €675 €very highhigh
95 Sierra Leone20715,226,000226,130 €1,037 €very highhigh
96 Malawi211113,444,000256,722 €426 €very highvery high
97 Cuba211111,237,000455,619 €643 €lowmedium
98 Niger217113,916,000256,958 €845 €very highhigh
99 Rwanda21718,995,000244,975 €1,073 €very highvery high
100 New Zealand22434,121,000941,210 €1,113 €lowlow