Countries - Towns
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Page 5
NrTownHome countryPopulationIncome+ TradePoints
81Huế Vietnam297,265102,244 €303 €93
82Qandahār Afghanistan347,253112,271 €350 €95
83Mazatlán Mexico369,622156,481 €221 €95
84Ogbomosho Nigeria256,46675,209 €171 €95
85Salt Lake City United States of America181,696207,962 €511 €96
86Helsinki Finland568,164526,435 €2,785 €97
87Kraków Poland755,711230,462 €249 €97
88Łódź Poland750,214230,462 €249 €97
89Gaborone Botswana224,990409,570 €1,141 €97
90New Orleans United States of America211,384212,295 €521 €98
91Tallinn Estonia394,898456,695 €683 €98
92Munich Germany1,328,355281,772 €738 €100
93Bratislava Slovakia424,116476,960 €1,122 €100
94Oran Algeria680,947185,041 €192 €101
95Lhasa China121,84590,819 €152 €101
96Matamoros Mexico471,430167,861 €238 €102
97Milan Italy1,321,294323,353 €955 €103
98Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky Russia193,413151,559 €393 €103
99Anchorage United States of America283,696225,292 €553 €104
100Canberra Australia329,200314,354 €807 €104