Countries - Towns
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Page 22
NrTownHome countryPopulationIncome+ TradePoints
421Bogotá Colombia7,137,849584,074 €1,217 €515
422Cairo Egypt7,947,121630,944 €786 €547
423Lima Peru7,804,611711,108 €1,603 €549
424São Paulo Brazil10,287,833596,557 €661 €551
425Karachi Pakistan12,461,423415,311 €961 €609
426Mexico City Mexico8,609,3471,066,914 €1,522 €652
427Jakarta Indonesia8,576,788686,133 €995 €678
428Mumbai India13,662,885416,378 €614 €739
429Dhaka Bangladesh10,083,974357,174 €1,016 €743
430Buenos Aires Argentina12,127,8141,044,425 €1,341 €745
431Manila Philippines10,993,374576,855 €1,253 €754
432Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo9,166,685400,892 €1,309 €765
433Beijing China7,712,104696,278 €1,168 €775
434Shanghai China15,584,627797,188 €1,337 €887
435Moscow Russia10,477,1731,382,977 €3,617 €948
436Delhi India11,954,217564,917 €834 €1,003