Countries - Towns
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Page 21
NrTownHome countryPopulationIncome+ TradePoints
401Dar es Salaam Tanzania2,975,986320,060 €1,390 €329
402Vilnius Lithuania543,642416,830 €1,396 €122
403Berne Switzerland121,837537,775 €1,412 €70
404Melbourne Australia3,619,087550,120 €1,412 €182
405Sydney Australia3,654,459554,050 €1,420 €183
406Bangkok Thailand5,768,014553,221 €1,470 €418
407Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates859,749527,010 €1,473 €115
408Lisbon Portugal491,888505,317 €1,510 €105
409Yerevan Armenia1,195,519366,185 €1,517 €189
410Mexico City Mexico8,609,3471,066,914 €1,522 €652
411Beirut Lebanon1,987,173423,010 €1,527 €205
412Los Angeles United States of America3,848,009628,219 €1,544 €290
413Oslo Norway852,007546,334 €1,552 €118
414Toronto Canada4,901,959709,745 €1,590 €234
415Lima Peru7,804,611711,108 €1,603 €549
416Amsterdam Netherlands750,553558,205 €1,618 €109
417Bangui Central African Republic558,235216,735 €1,627 €177
418Athens Greece752,173555,603 €1,667 €109
419Berlin Germany3,411,991635,553 €1,676 €227
420Phnom Penh Cambodia1,398,449307,052 €1,707 €239