Countries - Towns
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Page 15
NrTownHome countryPopulationIncome+ TradePoints
281Wuhan China4,262,236310,803 €784 €346
282Sana'a Yemen1,876,669310,930 €497 €265
283Cayenne French Guiana68,886311,000 €541 €77
284Accra Ghana2,280,216311,714 €436 €289
285Pyongyang North Korea3,128,617311,854 €591 €338
286Indianapolis United States of America791,181311,943 €151 €144
287Xi'an China4,305,536312,821 €788 €348
288Kathmandu Nepal911,084313,471 €845 €200
289Tashkent Uzbekistan2,140,486313,682 €613 €280
290Canberra Australia329,200314,354 €159 €104
291Kampala Uganda1,507,042314,698 €610 €244
292Belmopan Belize17,570316,050 €530 €52
293Jacksonville United States of America812,515316,276 €154 €146
294Chongqing China4,406,788316,857 €797 €352
295Yokohama Japan3,648,851318,358 €136 €166
296Brazzaville Republic of the Congo1,180,176318,510 €413 €206
297Marseille France785,801318,522 €177 €82
298Dar es Salaam Tanzania2,975,986320,060 €845 €329
299Detroit United States of America837,888320,608 €156 €148
300Edmonton Canada895,435321,075 €141 €105