Countries - Towns
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Page 14
NrTownHome countryPopulationIncome+ TradePoints
261Auckland New Zealand408,874293,164 €521 €70
262N'Djaména Chad759,993294,940 €492 €184
263Maracaibo Venezuela2,447,096295,125 €670 €153
264Chengdu China3,915,259296,675 €747 €330
265Mbabane Swaziland60,920297,800 €808 €80
266Columbus United States of America738,875303,278 €147 €140
267Rabat Morocco1,754,425303,851 €249 €246
268Pretoria South Africa1,633,569303,902 €1,013 €227
269Conakry Guinea1,857,153305,087 €767 €265
270Dakar Senegal2,485,851305,646 €553 €301
271Lusaka Zambia1,377,130306,225 €731 €237
272Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam4,331,288306,731 €703 €281
273Phnom Penh Cambodia1,398,449307,052 €1,355 €239
274Ouagadougou Burkina Faso1,292,462307,198 €396 €232
275San Francisco United States of America751,346307,611 €149 €142
276Mogadishu Somalia1,609,050307,615 €314 €276
277Abidjan Ivory Coast3,900,546308,986 €389 €259
278La Paz Bolivia877,363309,899 €394 €187
279Hamburg Germany1,764,163309,949 €160 €110
280Stanley Falkland Islands2,164310,000 €243 €8