Countries - Towns
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Page 14
NrTownHome countryPopulationIncome+ TradePoints
261Baotou China1,323,565181,638 €457 €202
262Munich Germany1,328,355281,772 €145 €100
263Almaty Kazakhstan1,328,362369,219 €1,395 €126
264San Antonio United States of America1,363,649389,929 €189 €180
265Lusaka Zambia1,377,130306,225 €731 €237
266Novosibirsk Russia1,386,829287,331 €292 €196
267Phnom Penh Cambodia1,398,449307,052 €1,355 €239
268Tabrīz Iran1,409,077177,200 €268 €130
269Makassar Indonesia1,410,551168,781 €153 €166
270Adana Turkey1,410,896171,874 €384 €135
271Porto Alegre Brazil1,414,351190,567 €317 €176
272Mecca Saudi Arabia1,421,715183,739 €427 €126
273Lanzhou China1,431,444185,674 €466 €206
274Fukuoka Japan1,433,418207,723 €88 €108
275Philadelphia United States of America1,446,322398,594 €194 €184
276Kuala Lumpur Malaysia1,458,790463,869 €1,667 €182
277Puebla Mexico1,459,695264,595 €564 €161
278Kharkiv Ukraine1,460,446237,093 €275 €146
279Bursa Turkey1,481,716173,742 €386 €136
280Lomé Togo1,501,777227,940 €492 €264