Countries - Towns
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Page 12
NrTownHome countryPopulationIncome+ TradePoints
221Los Angeles United States of America3,848,009628,219 €306 €290
222Luanda Angola2,524,459500,466 €2,938 €259
223Lubumbashi Democratic Republic of the Congo1,628,31997,928 €189 €187
224Lucknow India2,621,063138,013 €127 €245
225Lusaka Zambia1,377,130306,225 €731 €237
226Luxembourg Luxembourg75,552473,150 €1,327 €56
227Lviv Ukraine734,245178,457 €207 €110
228Lyon France482,717265,435 €149 €69
229MaceiĆ³ Brazil1,073,565173,996 €288 €160
230Madrid Spain3,108,461679,805 €414 €222
231Magadan Russia99,146132,614 €134 €90
232Makassar Indonesia1,410,551168,781 €153 €166
233Malabo Equatorial Guinea170,964455,685 €311 €83
234Managua Nicaragua922,248276,765 €792 €202
235Manaus Brazil1,766,820205,066 €340 €189
236Manchester United Kingdom396,293158,442 €96 €62
237Manila Philippines10,993,374576,855 €930 €754
238Maracaibo Venezuela2,447,096295,125 €670 €153
239Marrakech Morocco887,192156,032 €127 €126
240Marseille France785,801318,522 €177 €82