Countries - Towns
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Page 10
NrTownHome countryPopulationIncome+ TradePoints
181Asunción Paraguay537,221331,215 €976 €148
182Brasília Brazil2,406,478352,134 €586 €325
183Manaus Brazil1,766,820205,066 €340 €189
184Belém Brazil1,522,035194,710 €322 €179
185São Luís Brazil986,476165,710 €275 €153
186Teresina Brazil797,570149,139 €247 €137
187Fortaleza Brazil2,468,165238,209 €396 €220
188Natal Brazil808,713151,211 €250 €139
189Recife Brazil1,530,404194,710 €322 €179
190Maceió Brazil1,073,565173,996 €288 €160
191Salvador Brazil2,899,965256,851 €427 €237
192Goiânia Brazil1,247,525182,281 €302 €168
193Belo Horizonte Brazil2,480,490238,209 €396 €220
194Rio de Janeiro Brazil6,193,265408,062 €677 €376
195São Paulo Brazil10,287,833596,557 €993 €551
196Curitiba Brazil1,837,036209,209 €348 €193
197Porto Alegre Brazil1,414,351190,567 €317 €176
198Port of Spain Trinidad and Tobago49,959456,695 €1,135 €55
199Stanley Falkland Islands2,164310,000 €243 €8
200Rabat Morocco1,754,425303,851 €249 €246