Countries - Towns
Players: Wealth - Army strength - Underground strength - Fame worldwide
Unions: Union wealth - Union strength
Hall of Fame - Round history

Page 6
NrTownHome countryPopulationIncome+ TradePoints
101Fairbanks United States of America30,464116,979 €287 €54
102Barrow United States of America3,77630,328 €74 €14
103Juneau United States of America31,142116,979 €287 €54
104Ottawa Canada870,591477,388 €1,067 €157
105Toronto Canada4,901,959709,745 €1,590 €234
106Montreal Canada3,374,547570,331 €1,278 €188
107Quebec Canada668,478283,053 €632 €93
108Halifax Canada285,127219,683 €489 €72
109Happy Valley-Goose Bay Canada6,50754,921 €122 €18
110Iqaluit Canada6,60954,921 €122 €18
111Winnipeg Canada645,496278,829 €625 €92
112Yellowknife Canada18,388101,392 €224 €33
113Edmonton Canada895,435321,075 €713 €105
114Calgary Canada1,032,626350,648 €781 €115
115Vancouver Canada1,998,979439,366 €979 €144
116Whitehorse Canada18,623101,392 €224 €33
117Nuuk Greenland14,836551,250 €1,205 €42
118Qaanaaq Greenland75715,750 €28 €1
119Mexico City Mexico8,609,3471,066,914 €1,522 €652
120Tijuana Mexico1,534,259267,440 €380 €163