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Topic: "War reports"

Page 445
General Dr. Samuel J. Lumis, Tu, 2.9.14 7:39:10:
"This is new Lumis!"
General Qin Shi Huang, Tu, 2.9.14 10:55:22:

Paul we have have been friends for literally years. You know I'm not a bot!
We can be sure our beloved pope is standing today at the window of the father's house, that he sees us and blesses us.
General Paul von Hindenburg, Tu, 2.9.14 12:57:36:
yes i know it i wrote also something for you, but the others.
that just my mean.

1'146'776 Punkte, General

Runde 66; Gewinner: GeneralStyle 120'108
Paul von Hindenburg =GS= 38'966 Punkte
Runde 50: Gesamteinkommen 1.2 mia. als Präsident
Dei sumus non homines Runde 48: vom Generalleutnant zum General mit 9'784 Punkten
Runde 52: Gesamteinkommen:4.551.215.424 € als Pate

General Patton, Tu, 2.9.14 16:13:31:
Paul you are funny. I think you are using a bot of your own UTTA. Only explanation for a person that keeps on attacking with no chance.

But I see this person always has a hit IP check with Toi93, I think he is a bot too.

MChammy pants real life friend of mine. Got him involved in the Game, Deqs, is Sams Brother in law, Sam, my best friend, Pope Friend of Sam, Twelia I don't know him personaly he's been playing for a while I guess, just quit your whinning. There is no cheating going on here.

And as far as noobs go, yes we are a union of noobs for the most part. But there are a couple seasoned players that just haven't played for years. I invite a multi check from Darkman. There is no cheating.

I know how hard some of my players play to get their money.

I trade everyday, do you Paul?
The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.

George S. Patton

General Lucio Collonie, Tu, 2.9.14 17:37:21:

this is the wrong thread for this kind of discussion!!
General Paul von Hindenburg, Th, 11.9.14 9:16:49:
@ Superglue, and why you gave me the answer of my question that i send to Samuel? so that Shows me that you have the Chance to go in his account however it goes but you have it.

i am not stupid i see it. no one can make in 24 h more than a Billion like Samuel

1'146'776 Punkte, General

Runde 66; Gewinner: GeneralStyle 120'108
Paul von Hindenburg =GS= 38'966 Punkte
Runde 50: Gesamteinkommen 1.2 mia. als Präsident
Dei sumus non homines Runde 48: vom Generalleutnant zum General mit 9'784 Punkten
Runde 52: Gesamteinkommen:4.551.215.424 € als Pate

KFZV/2.0, Su, 28.9.14 11:02:39:

Anschlag vereitelt So, 28.9.14 11:40:03
Glücklicherweise hast Du einen Anschlag durch feindliche Truppen vermieden.
Eine Befragung ergab, dass dein Feind Cobra WHV hinter dem Angriff gesteckt hat.

Verluste der Angreifer
Cobra WHV:
Auftragskiller: 284 / 284
Major General Ronon_Dex, Su, 28.9.14 11:11:49:

Hätte nicht damit gerechnet, dass du das überlebtst
KFZV/2.0, Su, 28.9.14 11:31:52:

Muss ich doch, ich habe hier zu viele Feinde .
Und mein Team beinhaltet zwei neue Spieler
knautschzone, Su, 28.9.14 14:56:49:
na jetzt weiß ich auch wer mich gekillt hat


Page 445

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