Forum > Africa > South Africa
Towns: Cape Town, Durban, Johannesburg, Port Elizabeth, Pretoria

Topic: "free afrika"

unknown, Fr, 11.3.05 14:25:05:

lets take control of africa again dunkelengel is taken many countrys in suth of afrika who wants to kepp their forces we must strike before its to late
unknown, Fr, 11.3.05 15:14:39:

africa must not fall
unknown, Fr, 11.3.05 15:18:36:

yes under tyranny of tra everybody fight against them
unknown, Fr, 11.3.05 15:22:49:

but the point is africa will fall TRA has already launched a full scale invasion of africa acording to me sourses so i must leave with the rest of my units to asea sorry
unknown, Fr, 11.3.05 15:25:15:

ok but in south afrika theres still chance to fight back
unknown, Fr, 11.3.05 15:26:05:

send all your units to port elizabeth and settle for a seige and try to hold them off
unknown, Fr, 11.3.05 15:28:21:

yes and we have one country what we will defend hopfully long tim is zimbawe eva will gather troops to there
unknown, Fr, 11.3.05 15:30:07:

darn it my troops are to far away it will take 4 days
unknown, Fr, 11.3.05 16:20:45:

wow flagg was defeated whats going on

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